Meet Our Staff

Jennifer Maciej
Founder and Owner of AEC
Jennifer Maciej is a Certified Equine Canada Coach, she is also a certified western rider level tester. Jennifer is a certified CCC (Canadian Cowboy Challenge) judge. Jen is also a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher. She is working on obtaining her EFW (Equine Facilitated Wellness) dual certification as an EP/LP (Equine Professional/ Learning Professional). Jennifer is a certified EAL (Equine Assisted Learning) facilitator. Meaning that sessions could be groundwork, observation or mounted. A strong emphasis on horsemanship will be present. Aiming to set goals using a journal and potentially using a combination of EFW with EC’s (Equine Canada's) P’tit Trot program. Jennifer is able to partner with a MHP (Mental Health Practitioner). The age range would be everyone 7 plus, with a focus on people ages 7-14. Jennifer Maciej is a level 2 certified CSIA (Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance) instructor and level 2 CADS (Canadian Adaptive SnowSports) instructor (skiing). Jennifer has skied most of her life and spent 10 years as a professional instructor. Jen has a passion for connecting equines and humans for a beneficial learning experience.

Diane Priebe M.Ed., R.Psych., Certified Hakomi Therapist, Equine-Facilitated Wellness student (in process for certification)
Diane is a psychologist with training and experience in body-centered/somatic therapy, play therapy, trauma therapies, and her new area of specialization, Equine-Facilitated Wellness. Also a mother of two unique and interesting children, a wife, and a daughter. Diane has been drawn to helping people since she was young; she has always felt a great deal of empathy and connection with people. Being an introvert and a highly-sensitive person, Diane naturally understand and feel other people's emotions and energies. In her work with people, she has been most influenced by Hakomi therapy which is a powerful yet gentle body-centered psychotherapy that works with the whole person and believes in the organicity within each of us. Diane also worked with children, adolescents, and their families for many years, mostly with separated and divorced families, but also with other issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma; Diane loves this work because her young clients keep her connected to what is real, true, and good in all of us. She has been in private practice for many years and her office is located in the beautiful Roots on Whyte Building.
Click the button below to learn more about Diane and her practice!
Zoey Losey
Farm hand
Zoey is 19 years old and has been involved in the horse industry her whole life. Zoey enjoys working with and caring for animals; as she has been around them for her whole life she is also very experienced in horse care and maintenance. She also offers some basic training for equines. She is a certified Equine Production Technician.
Diane Priebe